September turned out to be a bit of a doozy around Healthier Hustle headquarters (by which I mean my house, but headquarters just sounds so much more official). As I mentioned previously, the month kicked off with a death in the family. And . . . it ended with a bout of Covid. I’m honestly amazed I avoided it as long as I did (two plus years!) and am very grateful that my immune system is healthy and I’ve been able to deal with it relatively well. That being said tough beginnings and ends all around.
It’s been a slow month for content creation here and I think it’s important to give myself grace on that (which is easier said than done). The whole concept of doing things differently and pushing back against toxic productivity starts with prioritizing our own mental and physical health. The idea that we work better and create more freely when we are well.
However, I am pleased to announce today that I did create one new super fun thing for our community late last month! I’ve talked before about how it’s been meaningful for me to track some of my habits in support of my wellness, as well as about my daily “things of beauty” practice. I wanted to create a visual guide to these things in case they felt supportive to others, as well.
Introducing the Healthier Hustle Habit Tracker- a downloadable, printable resource for everyone (think of it sort of like a weekly journal page):
All the details are on this page- including the link to download it! I had a lot of fun putting this together, and truly hope that you’ll print it out or download it to use digitally. (Note: It prints great in black and white— the colors are pretty, but no need to use all that ink!)
If you use it, I’d love to know what you think! Leave a comment here or just reply to this message if you receive these newsletters by email.
Things of Beauty
Just a few things that felt particularly soul-nourishing recently (or maybe just made me smile).
🤒 My friend Brianne at Odyssey of the Body shared this article about Covid and the link between rest and recovery. In exceptionally good timing it landed in my inbox while I had Covid. I’ve been trying to take the advice to heart and rest as much as possible and not push myself too quickly back to full speed. I’m also feeling grateful to be in a place where I CAN do this and acknowledge (as does the article) that truly taking the time to adequately rest simply isn’t possible for many, many people.
🦉Kelton from Shangrilogs rescued and rehabbed an owl this week (with the guidance of her Mom who is an expert in such things). The whole story is here on her Instagram highlight reel and it’s just really lovely.
🙏 This meditation from Kris Lingham on Insight Timer. I love the idea of having a ritual for waking up, or rising, as it were and Kris’ words are beautiful.
I’m looking forward to getting back to a regular weekly schedule here this month. I hope each and every one of you are well, but if you’re struggling too— please go easy on yourself, okay?
Be well, find tiny joy-