I thought about not publishing this list of tiny beautiful things. Just skipping this week. The news is dark. Many of us are feeling so many things from rage to sadness to confusion and utter disappointment about the loss of autonomy over decisions about our reproductive health.
But then I remembered my own words from a couple weeks ago, that perhaps when this practice of finding beauty feels the hardest it is actually the most meaningful.
If we relinquish our joy, we not only lose a profound source of unity, strength, and resilience, we also lose the point of it all. And so “we must risk delight.” And we must know that to do so is not a distraction from resistance, but one of its greatest sources of power.
- Ingrid Fetell Lee, Joy is an Act of Resistance: How Celebration Sustains Activism
And so without further ado, here are some things that felt particularly soul-nourishing and joyful recently :
🍞 This focaccia bread looks too pretty to eat. Almost. (To be honest, while it’s possible I’ll make focaccia bread, it’s highly unlikely I’ll decorate it with flowers, herbs and tiny peppers, but if you do— please, please send me a picture of your beautiful creation!)

🥨 Both soul-nourishing and physically nourishing at the same time— two snacks from student entrepreneurs: (1) Devorah Chocolate is a delightful treat from a graduate student at Appalachian State University (2) Absurd Snacks grew out of a project at University of Richmond- cool beans!
🖍️ Color a book cover! Win the book + some coffee and a mug! I feel like some mindful coloring might be just the thing I need. And that mug, I mean, come on— books and handmade pottery! (Click through the post below for how to color and enter the contest.)
🎧 The podcast Normal Gossip. I was skeptical when this was recommended to me. I have a lot of negative connotations around gossip, but the show does a great job of unpacking the difference between harmful, destructive gossip and that which connects us in a more positive way. At its root this is all about storytelling and laughter. It’s delightful.
❤️ Morgan Harper Nichols always creates content that feels so timely and like just what I need in the moment. I strongly encourage reading all of these slides (which are balm for the heart):
What’s beautiful and joyful in your world this week? Tell me about it in the comments below and join the resistance!