Excellent post. As you pointed out, you can't actively "not do." That's like trying not to think about a pink elephant! A simple change in perspective works well for me. I flip it around and think about "staying on mission" which is something I can actively do. Emails are other distractions are thorns, brambles, and dense thickets on my path. A good woodsman goes over, under, or around such things rather than through them. Why waste valuable energy hacking away at the underbrush -- energy that could be spent on mission-critical tasks?
Thanks you! I love the idea of staying on a mission and the visual of going over, under or around the underbrush to stay on the mission critical task. Thanks for your thoughts!
Excellent post. As you pointed out, you can't actively "not do." That's like trying not to think about a pink elephant! A simple change in perspective works well for me. I flip it around and think about "staying on mission" which is something I can actively do. Emails are other distractions are thorns, brambles, and dense thickets on my path. A good woodsman goes over, under, or around such things rather than through them. Why waste valuable energy hacking away at the underbrush -- energy that could be spent on mission-critical tasks?
Thanks you! I love the idea of staying on a mission and the visual of going over, under or around the underbrush to stay on the mission critical task. Thanks for your thoughts!