Pamela J. Sperbeck

Worst Advice to this new teacher: Don't let your students see you smile until Christmas. My response: Oh no. I love my students as soon as they walk through the classroom door. It's a magical connection. So I will be smiling. I will ask my students to just keep me smiling. Best Advice was from the mother of the author of The Healthier Hustle: She told to be to keep at the forefront of my mind (and heart) that my classroom is a mission field. If I am true to myself and share the light and love of God in how I care and prepare my students, then I will be a success.

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Thank you so much for sharing! I love that your best advice was from my Mom-- she is very wise (and I believe embodies the advice of infusing light and love into everything she does). I've also never been a fan of the "start out tough/let them know earn your affection" method of teaching. There are so, so many other ways to earn respect as an educator. Always great to hear from you!

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