I hate this for you, Mary Chris. I loathe everything about queries/rejection in this wonky and super weird publishing climate because I’ve had over 100 of them. I remember a girlfriend telling me that if a guy I was with made me cry I should break up with him. The last time I sat at my own kitchen counter crying because of another publishing rejection-moment, I heard her voice again.

I quit querying for all of 2022—that includes fellowships and residencies. If anyone comes back from my 2021 endeavors, I’ll be stunned.

That decision for me was also due to a realization—I've been at this 12 years, and the only way I have 3 published books, several awards, and another book due out in May (stay tuned) has nothing to do with the traditional publishing community. It is 100% because of my efforts and desire to have my voice heard in spite of their rejections. Publishing for me has been a crappy boyfriend. I'm better off single.

While my agent/publisher-embargo is not for everyone, it’s nice having only good news in my inbox again. I hope you’ll soon have oodles of good news in yours too. You ARE a good writer, and a lovely, dedicated author and business woman who has earned a space on the shelves.

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Thanks so much, Karen! I do really appreciate that we live in a time with SO many options for publishing. I love the work you're putting out in the world and am so glad your voice is being heard. Also very excited to hear more about this new book in May! (Side note: per your comment on my last post, I noticed this comment came in the afternoon-- so perhaps your staying out of your inbox in the morning like you mentioned! ;-) )

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Wow - I actually followed my own directions. :) Thanks for the kind words. The new book in May is not historical fiction, but instead is pertinent to authors. A workbook I felt was much-needed in today's publishing world of having to do it all. The announcement is coming soon…

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