My copy of Hand and Paw just arrived last week. :)

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Ah! Yay! Love this so much! :)

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I love to get up early (before the sun). It gives me the illusion of timelessness for I always put on a pot of coffee (I do love coffee!), light a candle, and then as the coffee perks enjoy meditation in the dark. Lately I've been playing in the Waking Up app (Sam Harris) but I have literally had this morning routine since I was single and in my twenties. Now a number of decades later - past work career crises, single parenting, marriage again, now authoring - every morning without fail. If we're in a hotel, I get up early, dress, grab my iPods and find a back corner of the hotel lobby....Meanwhile, great post! And how refreshing for a CEO to exhibit being more about nose-to-the-grindstone.

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What a great morning ritual, and I love that it's been part of your day though so many stages of your life. It sounds like really working this into your day and making it part of your routine has helped you stick with these things that are so supportive to you (quiet, meditation, stillness). Thanks for sharing. Meditation has fallen a bit out of my mornings, and this is inspiring me to thing about how to re-incorporate it. Also, yes- coffee definitely goes in my toolkit, too!

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Ugh....my toolbox is frequently used and frequently empty. The best things are time in the fresh air, riding my horse, stretching/yoga/Pilates, super deep dark chocolate, sleep (the *last* thing I usually choose to do for myself), spending time making things and sewing.

It's hard to fit in enough replenishing activities to make me feel consistently good, but it's a continual goal.

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Such a good point here, that we can have a really clear idea of the things in our toolboxes, but have a hard time making space to actually pull out the tools. "Continual goal" feels like a really apt description. I think even making a little space for things that replenish us, can make a difference. Thanks for sharing!

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