Wow! Such an interesting time to be in education (for many reasons, this being just one). I've been talking some with colleagues and students about what this all means and a theme that keeps coming up is "discernment" - as in when to use AI, how to cite it, how to prompt it for quality information, how to fact check it (because it can spit out some authoritative sounding but resoundingly false stuff). How do we teach that and is it a lesson that will be received? Big questions, for sure.
Speaking of Chat GPT...I received my first AI-generated plagiarized paper today. Didn’t take long, did it? 😳
Wow! Such an interesting time to be in education (for many reasons, this being just one). I've been talking some with colleagues and students about what this all means and a theme that keeps coming up is "discernment" - as in when to use AI, how to cite it, how to prompt it for quality information, how to fact check it (because it can spit out some authoritative sounding but resoundingly false stuff). How do we teach that and is it a lesson that will be received? Big questions, for sure.