Tell me more about your Designing Your Life class...! That sounds fascinating.

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Ah! It is fascinating and such a fun and inspiring class to teach-- thanks so much for asking! The course is based on Dave Evans & Bill Burnett's work out of Stanford d. School. It's using the design thinking framework for help students think about life after college. We tackle big questions around their views of work and life in general and talk about how to "prototype" or try out lots of different things they are interested in possibly doing after graduation. We tackle myths around career (like you have to have it all figured out, or you have to "do what you love") and talk about things like discernment and what goes into decision making. I could go on and on ... but the most inspiring thing is the conversations students have with each other. It's definitely a course that is facilitated more than taught and I love stepping back and just watching the class learn from each other. Here's more info on it: http://lifedesignlab.stanford.edu/

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Apr 26, 2023Liked by Mary Chris Escobar

I love the work of poet Mary Oliver. Especially her poem 'Today'.


Got nothing on dinner parties, though. Ours are usually "sit on the deck and grill something, eat chips, drink beer" affairs. :)

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I love Mary Oliver, too! Thanks for sharing "Today" that was a new one of hers for me and I really like it! "Stillness. One of the doors into the temple." -YES!

And deck sitting and grilling stuff, while eating chips and drinking beer sounds like a perfect dinner party to me! :)

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Mary Oliver is one of my favorite poets. I love her collection Dog Songs.

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