Thank you for the post. I need it now, and I'm sure I'll need it again!

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You're so welcome-- thanks for letting me know that it resonated! And these are definitely reminders I need all the time too!

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I saved the issue so I can return to it as needed, because I know it will be needed!

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I have not been able to articulate this problem before reading it here. Creative work IS work, even though I enjoy it. I'm so susceptible to putting off writing until I've finished everything else on the list. Then, by the time it's all done, I don't want to do anything at all, much less write. Might as well put the "chore" of writing I love at the top of my list. Otherwise, nothing will ever get written.

I thought that all of my procrastination was a product of fear. In reality, only about 30% is fear. Waiting as a reward is probably 40%. I'm still figuring out what the last 30% is, but I suspect that having too many (or not enough!) ideas and figuring out where to start is approximately 10%. The last 20% is probably something having to do with how my ADHD brain is set up and distractions or forgetting to write all together. If I come up with any other small percentages that are keeping me from fingers to keyboard, I'll report back.

Thank you, thank you for sharing your thoughts on this. I'm really hoping this new perspective will change my writing practice.

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YES! I love the way you said this so succinctly: "Creative work IS work, even though I enjoy it." I think sometimes I get stuck in equating "work" with something unpleasant, when really at it's core it's just anything that takes effort and discipline. So even when we enjoy what we are efforting toward, it's work and requires a certain amount of discipline (like moving the work of writing to the top of your to-do list-- LOVE that). I'm so glad this felt helpful. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and please do report back, anytime!

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